Apartments "Goroshiny"
Leave a feedback
You can leave your feedback about your stay in the apartment by filling out this form.
You can provide only your first name or remain incognito. These data can be published on the website in the feedback section
Consent to publication of feedback
Your review may be published on the website with the details you provide. If you do not agree to the publication of your feedback, leave this field unchecked
Select the apartment you stayed in
In the review you can note your favorite moments and tell us about the impressions of your stay, as well as leave comments and recommendations that will help us to make your stay more comfortable
Frequently Asked Questions


Phone: +7 911 777-74-74

31-32 Gorokhovaya Street | 32 Sadovaya Street
9 Apraksin Lane
(metro stations "Sennaya Ploshchad", "Sadovaya", "Spasskaya")

23 Rubinstein Street
(metro stations "Dostoevskaya", "Vladimirskaya")